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Ligado a la figura de Goya, a su recuerdo e inspiración, este pueblo enclavado entre espectaculares hoces tiene también otros puntos de interés, como las neveras o restos de su pasado medieval.

Fuendetodos is linked to the figure of Goya with some unbreakable bonds, which have been strengthened with the passing of the years, and with the devotion that this village gives to anything that oozes art.


Travellers can make a stop in this beautiful village and see the permanent cultural offer in such significant spaces such as Goya’s Birthplace or the Etchings Museum as well as temporary offers, or those that have a more versatile nature, in such especially important places as the Etching Workshop or the Sala Zuloaga.


Fuendetodos is located on a slightly pronounced slope . The uneven streets, with their narrow side streets, as well as its nooks and crannies are flanked by the stone that cover the façades of the Fuendetodos houses. Hanging geraniums bring colour to the walks of passers-by, making it a reconstituting and inspiring event.


The uneven terrain offers spectacular natural specimens such as the gorges. There, bees and goats feed from the fragrant plants that grow all over the district. Thyme, rosemary, lavender, etc. leave their aromas in the honey and the milk that these animals provide. The importance for Fuendetodos of the natural medium has been expressed in the creation of the Fuendeverde Space. A didactic and creative place devoted to nature.

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